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There have only been a few reported cases in the US. The symptoms don't seem VERY serious, but of course, they can be. What's so bad about the swine flu?


sandra b said...

The serious side of this occurs when the virus mutates or builds steam in the US. Just because no one has died in USA s doesn't mean it won't happen. We pray not but 150 people have died in Mexico. That is certainly nothing to take lightly, particularly when the virus is spreading around the globe.

alicia73 said...

If anything has to do with a person's health, trust me it should be SERIOUS!
Two men from California just died from symptoms related to swine flu. It just quickly spread among six states across the country, imagine what it could do within a week from now. Unless U.S take action on protecting everyone, it can get worse. I suggest you read on it and stay updated on the news. Don't think viruses that spreads nationwide is a thing of history; anything is possible and we are finding that out now.

saif said...

In the US, the strain has not been that serious so far. But it has potential to be deadly here as well.
for symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of Swine flu:…

Valerie said...……

Deliciou said...

There have been deaths which is making people nervous. But the media is making it sound so much worse then it is just like SARS and bird flu. There are even people saying that it is creating zombies

Nene said...

Tell that to the 150 people who died in Mexico, God rest their souls

☼ What a Wonderful Life ☼ said...

I agree with Nene.

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