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Hi, I am really worried about swine flu and I can't get Tamiflu anywhere so I was wondering if I exposed myself to it now, would my body build up the antibodies so I'd be immune when the global pandemic really kicks off? I read that it won't really happen till November but I am really worried and I'd like to be prepared.


James said...

Why are you worried about swine flu? N1H1 is a fairly tame strain. Many have caught it and survived, some with no medication.
Less than one percent of the population of the world has caught this disease. Stop worrying.

Gent said...

You seem very confused. I don't understand why you would want to go out and catch H1N1 Influenza now rather than later, it makes no difference, the result is the same , about one week of mild influenza symptoms, and probably a week off work or school.
You may never catch it anyway and regardless of this, the government has ordered vaccines which will be available by the end of the year anyway.
Unless you have serious health problems, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.

*Pink Atom* said...

Buddha and Chris are right.
My mum is a nurse, she says it is just like normal flu, and all doctors are warning not to do this - I think it is because you could spread it even more.
Besize, getting it now would be the same as getting it anyother time...

aquacutn said...

There is nothing to be worried about. It does not kill you if you treat it. If you get it go to your doctors and they have lot's of tamiflu which is only for people that definitely have swine flu.

hypochon said...

getting it now would only help you out a little because the virus will mutate itself so dramatically before it comes back and it will be a totally different virus.

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it people are running swine flu parties to cross infect themselves before Winter.

Clown Knows said...

Mexico City, Mexico

Buddha said...

Unless you have underlying health problems, as I do, you have no need to worry. It is only like normal flu.

Chris said...

you softie
normal flu is well more dangerous than swine flu you swine.
go and eat some crackling

ohai13 said...

go to a pig farm

Yusofa's 3 Tribes & 2 Clans said...

The cure can be worse then the bite. The drugs needed can cause problems as they aren't good for you if you don't need them and can cause damage to vital organs too. Read about them on line, if they are a black box drug, means it is to be given only if there is no other choice.
Trying to get a flu or be exposed, isn't a wise choice. Good decisions about carrying around a mask, washing hands all the time, bringing alcohol wipes around too is a must if there are cases in your city. Avoid huge crowds and people sneezing in your face. Choose where you go wisely. And since the virus can change 3 or 4 times, what is available today might not even work six months from now. And there are no drugs if the swine (N1H1) merges with the bird flu or another virus out there we have yet to hear about. Keep your home clean, wash all veggies from the outside, then your hands. Leave outside shoes at the door, wear different ones in the home, visitors too. Wipe down all things you buy at the store, don't eat samples in the market, and buy local, less likely to have been handled a dozen times from countries you don't know how they raise or ship stuff. Try to buy locally made products, at least in your country. Make sure any food vendors you go to have the health dept. certificate and they are using gloves and cold food is cold, and hot food is hot. Don't buy shellfish or other products that deteriorate easily, you don't want e-coli or food poisoning from the corner vendor adding to your plate. Hanging clothes on line kills bacteria, bugs and even viruses, saves on electric too. Make sure you use eco friendly cleaners, get rid of household pests that carry germs. Check veggie leaves, stems & fruit for bugs, like soak in FIT (on line), you would be surprised at the number of bugs that strawberries can hide. You can do a lot to avoid exposure and a lot can happen before Nov. is here. Don't look for trouble, it finds us easy enough.

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