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like not holding hands during Ama Namin (Our Father) and avoiding shaking hands as much as possible..


Elmer C said...

Most respiratory infections are transmitted by droplets released when a person sneezes or coughs. Such droplets may be sprayed for up to 3 feet and stick onto objects. Taking the flight environment as an example, the droplets may stick onto the backs of chairs, the armrests, the washroom (door handle or handrail in particular) and the luggage racks above the seats. If a person touches his eyes, nose or mouth after being in contact with any droplets, the virus or bacteria can easily enter the body through the eyes, nasal membranes or the mouth. Therefore, the key preventive measure is to keep both hands as clean as possible and this is also a measure that may be taken effectively and properly by any individual. Research has proved that keeping both hands clean can significantly reduce virus transmission in public areas.
So in that regard, minimizing contact with someone else's hand (even during Holy Mass) is a preventive measure that helps deter spread of virus.

WP Robot: premium autoblogging plugin said...

Its hysteria, overreacting because of ignorance (as usual). Over 30,000 people in the USA alone die from the common flu each year, how many died from H1N1 this year? Ok so they dont hold hands, but then they go up and receive communion from the same person who is collecting all the money from the collection tray (which everybody's hands touched).

Windows Mobile Smartphones said...

Good for them. At least they are proactive.

James J said...


Elle said...

Im sure god will understand.

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