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We plan on visitng Singapore next week, and I'm curious. Is it safe to visit? Any advice?
We plan on staying for 3 days and 2 nights, a city tour, and a trip to Sentosa.
We were also planning on visiting Hong Kong, but my dad made a decision not to go there after seeing the news about the Hong Kong Swine Flu "victims"
follow up question: How about Hong Kong? is it safe there? or should we avoid going there?


jeretang said...

Yes. There are so far no confirmed swine flu cases in Singapore as yet.
However, there have been 8 people being quarantine for precaution as they came back from Mexico. Do follow up on the news, as they should be out of quarantine in 2 days time.
Hong Kong is safe, despite the incidence of 1 case of swine flu. But seeing everyone wearing mask will make you paranoid and not being able to enjoy your trip.
If you are staying in Sentosa, you shouldn't worry at all, the sanitation is one of the highest in the world. Even the ferris wheel and rides are cleaned and disinfected after each passengers disembark.
There are also waterless hand disinfectant available at tourist stops to encourage hand washing.

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