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Just seems like so much time and energy was put into something that never transpired as smoke and mirrors of our government instead of dealing with things of more importance


░BigBull said...

You and 'jo' are absolutely CORRECT!!!!!!!!! These 'dangers' are only scare tactics, except....'jo', it's not the Government who is scaring us, it's the liberal media.

? said...

wait another two month, in Indonesia it is on the rebound already

no_body _at _all said...

Scientist have been watching geese in China and continually test them to see if they are carriers. So far the flu has not mutated so humans don't have to worry about getting it. I'm sure if you search the web you will find that it still a threat but scientist are working on a cure.

JR said...

Now the liberals moved on to global warming, since nobody really bought into the bird flu thing.

jo said...

Just like SARS it's disappeared. I'm sure it's out there somewhere. IT just goes to show that we can't live in fear because the government tells us that something is going to happen.

Willie Boy said...

Didn't see news in leading newspapers in the last 6 mos. I assume Bird Flu pandemic has been contained after WHO stepped in by killing en masse chickens in affected countires and setting up monitoring procedures in non-affected regions. It's not a fake becasue people died, animals were slaughtered, drugs were developed and preventive procedures were established in major ingres and egres poiints between vulnerable regions.

Jerry347 said...

Oh, by the way, the U.N. got 4 billion of our tax money to fight this "epidemic".

bbogdanl said...

The bird flu virus certainly hasn't disappeared. However, the media often shifts their focus on other subjects that seem more 'appealing'. It is still believed that the avian flu virus might one day cause a worldwide epidemic and a massive disruption of our society.
However, the intensive measures that have been taken to curb the evolution of the disease in some parts of the world, as well as preventive programs set up worlwide, have, at least for the moment, prevented a massive spread of the highly pathogenic virus. There are certain times of the year when the risk is higher than usual and fall is one of them, as migration by birds takes place at a large scale and this can easily spread the disease to new areas.
Just keep watching the news on websites like to get an update on things, as well as useful information on the matter.

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