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Why are they closing so many schools in Dallas Texas because of the Swine Flu? Why don't they close down a school if a student has the "Normal" flu?


ashley said...

It's just a mutation of a type of influenza. Just so everyone knows CDC releases an annual death toll for regular flu every year. 36,000 Americans die every year from influenza and we consider this normal. The reason this is such a concern is that it is a new strain and has yet to be fully researched as it has just crossed over to humans. While there is no vaccine yet there are drugs that are proving effective in treating swine flu and of the confirmed cases most "experienced mild symptoms and made a full recovery" (Alan Johnson Department of Health 4/27) the only fatality in the US being a boy from Mexico that reportedly had underlying health issues. Remember to wash your hands frequently and cover your mouth and nose if you sneeze or cough. Tamiflu has shown to effectively treat symptoms if taken early so while you don't need to rush to the ER at the first symptom definately see your doctor if you experience any. Also know the high risk groups are the same as with regular flu...the elderly and children so make sure they know proper hand washing as well. Hope this helps. Education and preparation are your biggest assets in these situations and the best weapon available so keep up to date and follow any advisories your county issues. I live in TX and my husband works in the medical field so we are watching the news and reading all the literature sent home from school. Hopefully this will be under control soon. West Nile proved to be controllable so I'm keeping my fingers washed and crossed that this is as simple.

Vareeabu said...

The swine flu is a hybrid of other flus that is a little harder to fight off and is more easily spread.This strain is one that is typically seen in pigs, and very few humans. If it is seen in humans, it is usually those who have direct contact with pigs.
This flu strain is more potent because it wasn't studied as much or prepared for as much as the regular influenza (A, B, C), which usually causes about 36,000 deaths a year, but that is because the flu can turn into complications such as pneumonia. The regular strain is varied from influenza viruses that continue to mutate on it's own, but doesn't necessarily mesh with another strain.
The swine flu has meshed with the regular influenza virus and therefore has caused for a deadly flu that obviously has killed people. If treated right and right away, it shouldn't be a problem. The reason as to why they can't contain it (besides not shutting down travel and closing borders) is because it's easily passed like a common cold. Of course, you have to be rather close to the person who has it to contract it.

*§ilen† PrĂ¥¥er said...

This strain is one that is typically seen in pigs, and very few humans. If it is seen in humans, it is usually those who have direct contact with pigs.
This flu strain is more potent because it wasn't studied as much or prepared for as much as the regular influenza (A, B, C), which usually causes about 36,000 deaths a year, but that is because the flu can turn into complications such as pneumonia. The regular strain is varied from influenza viruses that continue to mutate on it's own, but doesn't necessarily mesh with another strain.
The swine flu has meshed with the regular influenza virus and therefore has caused for a deadly flu that obviously has killed people. If treated right and right away, it shouldn't be a problem. The reason as to why they can't contain it (besides not shutting down travel and closing borders) is because it's easily passed like a common cold. Of course, you have to be rather close to the person who has it to contract it.
VAREEABULL... WTH!!! You copied my answer you ******! You know damn well that this is my answer!! You are the biggest liar and cheat ever on here!! Matt I, know that the answer he had was the first sentence that ended with spread and the rest he copied from me!!! Report him please!!!

tgr1013 said...

Because they know nobody has protection against this current flu where there are vaccines for the other flu's

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