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I will be flying to Texas for vacation this summer.
Is there an injection for a flu that prevents the outbreak of the swine flu?
Did people in the U.S die of the swine flu?
How many cases of the flu have been in Texas?

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Ladolcel said...

They are in the process of developing and testing the vaccine to treat the swine flu. Currently, there is a vaccine to help make your immune system stronger. I strongly advise you to contact your doctor about this.
The best way to prevent the swine flu is to wash your hands. Try to stay in good general health. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food. Try not touch surfaces that may be contaminated with the flu virus. Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
There are several deaths due to swine flu in the U.S. There are 17,855 cases and 45 deaths in the country. There are 2049 cases and 3 deaths in Texas.
Hope this helps. Have fun and travel safe. If you need more information about the swine flu, read:
Here is a guide to travel safe and healthy:

Sheryl said...

The World Health Organization recently announced a global swine flu pandemic, so you are right to be concerned. WHO also suggested Swine Flu or H1N1 Virus will be resiliant through summer months. You've taken the first step in being aware and being educated! However, no panic necessary if you follow preventive measures.…
Enjoy your trip!

Sylee said...

There are few people died in US due to swine flu.
There are now 1883 confirmed cases of Swine Flu in Texas. The Swine Flu continues to spread across the state.
For prevention, the most important things is to increase immune system in your body.
There is few way to increase your immune system : exercise (need continuously), take injection from doctor or take traditional medicine from herbs.
I prefer take traditional medicine. There are no side effect. Every time I have symptom of flu (tired, running nose....) will took traditional medicine. Recover very fast.

bluebell said...

There won't be a vaccine for a few months -no injection available.
Wash your hands and use alcohol based hand sanitizer when out in public. Stay away from people who are sick until they are feeling better.…

Chief said...

1) Swine flu is a contagious common cold.
2) Unless you are very, very young or very old, don't worry about it.
3) But if you don't feel like getting sick, just wash your hands a lot and bring hand sanitizer with you.

chris said...

if i were you i wouldnt worry about it too much. as long as you wash your hands often you should be fine. the number of swine flu deaths is extremely low compared to deaths of the regular flu. also, doctors and people arn't worried about the swine flu much right now, they are worried that it will fade away in the summer and hit hard again in the fall (aka flu season)

Elmer C said...

There are cases where swine flu victims in the US died (I read there was one in New York).
The best tip on preventing swine flu infection is still proper hygiene. Bring alcohol-based hand rub especially when touching public areas like hand rails and door handles.

Fried Water Nuggets said...

Try check this book out...this guy wrote on what to do to prevent the swine flu…
hope this helps

Josh said...

you dont need an injection the swine flu is a joke from the librals.
yes but they were either mexican or already sick with something else.
like 4..

Anonymous said...


Mussab (Unknown Answerer) said...

search in google they say the answer for you in every site.

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