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would be helpful because i really want to find out in case someone in the house catches the virus.Thank you in advance.


Shyla said...

the two medicines effective against the H1N1 virus are NOT antibiotics...because the H1N1 is afterall, a VIRUS! There are currently two antivirals that are effective in treating this virus, and they are Tamiflu and Relenza. But the H1N1 virus is not a major threat as it was originally hyped up to be. Its just a normal flu virus, so it should be treated as one, with rest, fluids, and Tylenol.

Reverie said...

None. Antibiotics by definition are chemicals thar are poisonous to bacteria without being poisonous to us. H1N1 is a virus, not a bacteria, so antibiotics have no effect.
What you mean is antivirals. One is tamiflu,(aka Oseltamivir) (brand name Tamiflu the other is zanamivir. Both are marginally effective at best.

MrKnowIt said...

I know Tamiflu is one of them.

Jessica said...

Antibiotics kill bacteria. They have no effect on viruses. Some doctors suggest using Tamiflu when you have flu symptoms.

LINDA R said...


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