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She doesn't know that she carries the virus, until a few days later, so she isn't being irresponsible, but she can choose not to fly to New York in the first place since it is such an "unnecessary risk".


MJ obsession said...

It depends if he knew he had. If he knew he had it, then yes hes being irresponsible, although sooner or later it will get to every country in the world. For example in my country, Ecuador, we had only 1 case last week. Now we have 25 (yesterday).

Christia said...

It just a flu. This one just happen to be swine flu. Does that mean the person should be shot?

unnga said...

NO How can you be responsible for something you don't even know ; why are you trying to find a guilty person ?

lala said...

Yes He is because He is not using Cautions.

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