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Okay im really worried about the Swine Flu.
But this Sunday im going to London all day, and im going to a gig to. Should I not go because of the Swine Flu?


Mac4491 said...

23 million people in the UK
5 people confirmed with swine flu.
thats less than 0.0000000000001%
everyone is making a mountain out of a molehill here

Classis said...

it shouldn't be dangerous... keep away from europe if u have it!
i'm joking :-)
Serious, for now don't have fear of anything, so many people have died but now the situation is better i think, and the medias are speculating a little for pharmacy business

Zig said...

its completely safe....its a phase 4 illness which means its high alert but unless WHO give the go ahead, no special precautions need to be taken?
help me?

Openly Straight said...

I'm wondering that too.. I'm headed to the UK from Portland on the west coast USA at the end of May. I'll be in airports, on airplanes for long periods of time, and probably on a bus too. I wonder if it'll be safe.

flake105 said...

Na, you should go, there's only a minority of cases and i'm sure you'll be fine. It's all media hype to be honest don't listen to what the media say it's almost always exaggerated.
Hope this helps. (:

Tails said...

im not sure if swine flu is in London or not but if it is I would highly suggest not to. But if you do choose to go wash your hands ALOT. that's all we can really do to prevent it.

Stef said...

Just go! it is the media and the government blowing things out of proportion and controlling everyone. There's only a couple of minor cases in Britain, nothing to worry about!

Haze 08 said...

I would say yes.The honeymoon couple who were in hospital in Scotland are now okay and left hospital this afternoon.

Aztec Warrior said...

Don't go to London. There's no cure for the swine flu. There are cases reported in Britain of the flu.

flyinghi said...

As long as you know the risk and are willing to take it. Personally myself, I would not travel at this time.


you should go.
the people with it in London are in isolation.

KB said...

considering theres no cases in london with the swine flu
i think youll be fine..

missheat said...

I wouldn't... but im pretty worried as well.

NONAME said...

i'm worried about it too, can i still have bacon?

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