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I've been looking for a way to lose a quick 40. Would swine flu do the trick? Is a trip to Mexico in order?


John said...

Yay! A new miracle weightloss program. First the Atkins Diet. Then the South Beach Diet. And now the Swine Flu virus! If you can find a way to charge people for that, you will be a millionaire by Tuesday.

Tyler said...

Sure but Mexico doesn't have good sanitation or medication that could help you fight it off, and if your sick with the flu you'll be stuck in Mexico because you probably won't be allowed to go back to the United States because you could infect others.
In simpler terms, your gonna die :]

xxx said...

This question correctly points out how totally RIDICULOUS this swine flu media blitz is. We have so many more serious health/welfare issues to deal with. Try cancer for losing weight (3 of my immediate family members have died- lymphoma, prostate, and ovarian). Try being homeless for a couple of weeks and you will lose weight. Why don't we address some real issues that affect the masses and leave this stuff for the tabloids!

still said...

I know that you may think disease is an easy way to lose weight, but giving yourself a disease is not smart.
You can die from Swine Flu.
Joking around with it is extremely dangerous!
If you want to lose weight, excersise.
Watch the fitness channel.
Drink lots of water.
Eat healthy.
Limit your portions.
You could even try something like Nutrisystem or Jenny Craig.
But contractign a disease is not a smart or healthful way to lose weight.
Besides: how can you enjoy being skinny when youre dead?

Jocelyn O said...

LOL I used to drink after my kids when they were sick thinking a few days without eating would do me some good. Problem is you'd be extemely hungry when you started feeling better and your metabolism would be slowed by the starvation. Just get on the scale every single day, NEVER miss a day. I promise it will make you think before splurging and saying screw it I'll do better tomorrow.

Jodi said...

I'm thinking YOU should definitely go. After all, someone with as SICK a sense of humor as you who would JOKE about the deaths of others should maybe be culled from the herd.
Then again, we need to practice compassion towards those among us like yourself who are obviously compasionate defiicient so that you can learn by our example so please stay and learn from your bad joke.
If it were YOUR family member or friend who had died from this, would you be so callous as to make light of it?
If the answer is yes, then maybe you need to examine your personality a bit closer.

Gypsianna P said...

I would suggest going to Mexico, drink the local water, visit a pig farm, and eat as much bacon & ham as you can. Most likely you will get swine flu and lose the weight you desire, so you don't look like a porker on the beach his summer.

XxAnimeA said...

Not good, but effective. I seriously doubt that it would be effective enough for you to lose 40 pounds in the 10 days that represents the average length of the illness.

Rod B said...

That is the most craziest thing i have ever heard.Catching the swine flu is not something to play around with just in order to lose weight.Swine Flu can cause death.If you want to lose weight just eat healthier or workout.

~*Latina Bonita*~ said...

Maybe, because when you have the flu, then you tend not to eat much, and you drink more water than anything. But the best way to lose weight, is plenty of exercise, and a healthy diet.

Chloe said...

since most of the ppl in the usa infected with it dont die i think you should try it. but dont stay in mexico cuz youll die. come to the us and youll live

Anonymous said...

You can go down to Mexico and sign up as a volunteer at the quarantine worker at a local hospital. That should do the trick.

. . . . . . said...

I have the swine flu !!!!!! Don't try it. It's a bad migrane!!!! Oh and i'm not going to die you dumb people saying that! I can take care of myself

LiL TriPz said...

The symptoms of the Swine-Flu is pretty much a yes for your question! you will be throwing up non-stop pretty much you may lose lots of weight.

Rockstar Chips♥ said...

um.. you will eventually die from swine flu so there's no point of doing this. Please try to lose weight a healthy and active way.

youfound said...

Ok...yes you would lose weight from the non stop vomiting...but then u wasted all that time becuase now ur going to

XxChocon said...

PLEASE DONT LISTEN TO ANYONE THAT SAYS TO DO IT!! i seriously cant even think of any words to describe how STUPID that is. The swine flu is deadly in Mexico. Whats the point of loosing the weight if YOUR DEAD

Kelly said...

I believe you would lose weight since you would probably be throwing up non-stop for a good 48 hours!

xgoddess said...

Weelll, you could lose a lot of weight from the swine flu, but at a risk of dying... yeah... not a really good idea...

~Kim said...

Dont even joke about that its not funny people are dying and you are trying to make it funny

Donna P said...

that pointless because you will die anyway. do us all a favor and dont get swine flu because now youll spread it to more places!

I don't know said...

Sure, go ahead. You'll lose more than 40 pounds 'cause you're going to die.

Adrianna said...

So, you wanna lose 40 pounds before the flu kills ya?

lisa said...

i just want to slap you so hard you'll fly to mexico

sallyq said...

Yep...sure will. So will drinking that water down there.

Gazoo said...

ARE YOU CRAZY!!!!! the most weight you can lose is 6 pounds AND IF YOU WANNA DIE THEN GO CATCH IT!!!!!!!!!!

Wali said...

Are you serious?

Joleisa said...


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