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Got my vote.


Shane said...

Why can't viruses have cool names, like the "Chimera" virus or "the Chinese Synthetic" like you see in the movies?
Or maybe just call it the Muslim virus? They could be honored and offended at the same time...jk.

lrd00a said...

Sounds good to me.
And then we won't offend illegal aliens, excuse me, undocumented aliens from Mexico by calling it the Mexican Flu like the Israelis want to.

Morbius said...

More like "Hype Flu," I'm sorry but this crap is overrated.
The Regular Flu spreads quicker and kills more.
80/303,000,000 Who cares?

Coyote said...

Its not about Muslims...its about accuracy AND dispelling the incorrect notion that it is related to pork.

Hater Police said...

The "Obama Flu" sounds very approriate. Or perhaps the porkulus flu

Oh Noooooooo! said...

No we shouldn't. We should call it what it is and grow up.

jonds said...

Yes! It is overly hyped up by the media as well. Just like Obama!

racingdi said...

thats a great idea and the Obama flu has a stimulus tax on it as well

Paul Grass said...

It has happened on his watch.

Dr. Fell said...

Tea bagger.

R8derMik said...

I'm starting already

Weird Videos said...


Hussein the Trojan Horse said...

It's not meant to not offend Muslims (by the way, Jews are insulted by it too), it's meant to not damage the pork industry. If you call it "swine flu", people will think you get it by eating pork, so people would buy less pork, so butchers would get into trouble and the pork industry would need a bailout.
Similarly, if you call it "Obama flu", people will think it's Obama's fault, which would also be unfair. H1N1 is a nice and boring name, which makes people care less for it (because you republican heartlands don't care much for science), so the hype around it goes down, which is good.

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