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In The Event Of A Pandemic, What Would You Use To Cover Your Babies
1:10 AM | Posted by
Swine Flu Info Blog |
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I know this seems like a strange question and I assure you, I'm not a total hypochondriac but I was just watching TV and saw all of the adults in Mexico walking around in surgical masks and wondered what they are using on the babies, infants and toddlers? I have an 11 month old and I know for sure she wouldn't tolerate anything being on her face.
Also, even though they have said that pork is safe to eat still, will any of you be eliminating your families diet?
Also, even though they have said that pork is safe to eat still, will any of you be eliminating your families diet?
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I'm not sure but I heard on the news that those masks will make very little difference.
Keeping children from the general public, washing your hands often and not allowing anyone in unless they also will be conscious of hand washing and germ control should be enough.
Cooking pork kills the bacteria so no, I will not be eliminating it from our diets.
I would think that the children in Mexico are being kept at home and out of the public germ pool- if they have protective parents.
Ok..that's just scary..and I really don't want to think about it..I've been watching the news all day. Anyway...if that was truly the case..I would NOT take my daughter out anywhere! No way!....Not even for her pediatrician appt...because it would be better staying home not sick and healthy than risking her to go to an appointment and getting sick. I would make my whole family stay home...and temporarily quit work. People have died from this flu!....All businesses, companies, corps should just stop operating if this will only be worse if people are running out and about.
I would probably make one in baby size on my own out of an adult size one.
And yes,it's not transmitted by pork,so I won't be cutting that out,even though I really don't eat it that often anyway.
I am also freaking out as I am having a newborn in 3 weeks or so. and an 4 yr old at preschool and of course each kid in his class is coughing.. or dripping nose. I am now looking for share care, I would rather have him out now rather than find out later that a child has it... and not know if my son has it ect... I already weathered the slap cheek virus there.
I also think I should not be so nervous... and more calm...
masks for kids? Sheez... that is a good question... I am a natural remedie person Apple Cider Vinegar has been very effective against all viruses, acupuncture for kids is also good they have great pediatric herbs, and one more thing I just read that coconut oil is an anti-viral.
when we were worried about my son having this slapped cheek and my pregnancy I wore a mask, I don't believe it is that effective, falls off, uncomfortable, and all... but I most likely will look for something of that nature. Thank goodness I am not the only mom that is a bit worried.
Thank your for sharing your question!
I have done a lot of research into this. I also know a lot of health professionals that lived through SARS (I'm in Toronto). Those masks you see on the people in Mexico work for 15 minutes only. Even the properly fitted many layer filter masks work for 30-60 minutes.
Its the same as your water filter at home. It only works until its full then it stops filtering out things, in fact an old filter dumps more contaminants into the water than were there to start with.…
The lack of clear scientific evidence regarding the effectiveness of facemasks and respirators in protecting against influenza poses a challenge to proposing interim guidance on the use of these devices during a pandemic. Similarly, important operational and policy questions regarding the manufacturing, supply, and distribution of facemasks and respirators, and public education about their use, remain unresolved. Additional studies of influenza virus transmission coupled with research and development of improved facemask/respirator technologies may yield new practical and effective approaches for helping to prevent influenza during a pandemic.
This interim guidance document will be revised as new information about the use of facemasks and respirators in the setting of pandemic influenza becomes available. For up-to-date information about pandemic influenza, visit…
Reaching a conclusion on mask effectiveness is difficult because the available information is murky at best. In an attempt to empirically answer the question of effectiveness, a Cochrane review of all randomized and controlled research of disposable surgical face masks was performed. (2) This comprehensive review included information from individuals, manufacturers, and distributors, as well as AORN members. Researchers found only two randomized controlled trials comparing individuals wearing surgical masks with those not wearing surgical masks.
In one trial, which had a small number of participants, wearing surgical masks was associated with fewer patient infections. In a larger trial, however, there was no difference in infection rates, so neither harm nor benefit could be determined clearly. As for evidence, it is very difficult to perform controlled research on the effects of wearing surgical masks on wound infections. Investigators, as well as institutional review boards, may be hesitant to approve such studies because of the potential harm to patients if a mask is not worn.…
What is filtration efficiency?
Filtration efficiency is the measurement of a filters capacity to remove particulates, such as virus and bacterium, from air as it flows through the filter. Filtration efficiency is stated as a percentage of efficiency and is affected by such factors as size of the particulates to be filtered, volume of air and duration of use. An N-95 rated mask, for example, is 95% efficient at removing particles with a median diameter of approximately 0.3 microns at a volume of 85 liters per minute. Duration of use is a critical factor because virus and bacterium can infest the filter for extended periods of time. Bacteria can reproduce on their own while virus can survive for days before infecting a living host. Virus and bacterium can also move through filters over time resulting in an erosion of filtration efficiency and increase in the associated risk factors.
I am terrified of this. Hypochondriac or not, I am so scared for my child to get it. He is only 17 months old and it would be hard for any baby to fight a flu that evil. We are lucky to have good hospitals in some country's. I am not eating pork. I am not going to take the chance. I am not going any where near my dad's house, as he lives with in minutes of mexico. He will be coming here next month and I am a bit freaked out, but do not want to deny him his grandson. I am kind of not wanting to take him into grocery stores and large public areas, Like walmart. Im not depriving him of his child hood in any way, I am just taking some precautions.
i would try my best to cover his face. of course hes 18 months and at the stage of dont tell me what to do, and i refuse to do anything you say. it would definilty take myself and my husband holding him down, to get something on him...
as for pork. we are not that big of pork earters except for bacan and sausage, but thats only on occasion that we eat it.
i am a little concerned about the 5hr flight we are taking next week to hawaii from california. since air planes use recycled air, you are in a very confined space, and lets face it as disgusting as it is, most people do not practice proper hygeine. im trying not to obsess about it, but it is concerning since we are bringing our 18 month old along. im not going to be one of thoes people wearing a mask over my face though. ill just try to relax.
im also glad that i have absolutly no interest in going to mexico. never have.
i also think that people who have recently traveled to mexico (since from my understanding is where all this started) should have to go through some kind of quarinteen (sp?) period, (kind of like what they do to animals) and be evaluated after a certain amount of time before being let back into the US.
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