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I have a friend who has the swine flu. We live in America. How severe is it?


Marc said...

'Regina" is among the misinformed who think this comes from pigs or animals. It does NOT. It is a flu like any other and can be dealt with by using vaccinations and following your doctors orders. The concern is to aid in keeping it from spreading too badly. It is not a deadly pandemic as some seem to think. The CDC web site has good information.

Lily said...

No one in America has died except for a baby in Texas. Everyone else has recovered without hospitalization. If they are healthy I wouldn't be to worried as long as they take care of themselves (lots of rest and fluids).
thousands of people die from the flu every year, this is just so known because no one has an immunity to it. Hopefully everything will be ok, and I think they are giving swine flu people tamaflu, which may help significantly

jenneysl said...

Not very. Of the 500+ million people in America, only 141 cases are reported so far according the CDC.
Your friend has a mild case of the flu, probably with an upset stomach and diarreha. It's not severe. The media was bored of reporting the economy so they overhyped the swine flu.

tangyter said...

I think its dangerous for the usual ppl like young children and senior citizens b/c their immune systems aren't that strong. There is an article on Web MD that said that most cases of swine flu pass just like normal without the use of any medication. Obviously try and take precautions...but if you are a normal healthy person I don't think it will kill you.

marissa said...

i could be just blown way out of proportion, or it could be serious, we will just have to wait and see. it's currently at phase 5, which means pandemic is imminent, phase 6 means pandemic is underway. just practice good hygiene, cover coughs and sneezes, wash hands more often than usual, and stay home if you feel sick.
honestly, right now i think it's more inconvenient than dangerous for americans. i have a cough and i cant talk to anyone outside of family without them screaming "SWINE FLU!"

WP Robot for Wordpress said...

I mean, it can be dangerous if you don't treat it properly and if you don't catch it right away. In the US, it's not as dangerous as other countries because we have a very strong health system, but still there is not vaccination yet. So, it can be depending on your case.

Kitten! said...

Not at all. Its just the flu with a different name. If you take proper precautions you'll be fine.If you do feel sick, contact your doctor and seek help. The faster you do so, the faster you'll feel better. The most it cando is make you feel like crap for 3-5 days. It can be fatal (but only if in a bad condition or state of health) You and your friend are going to be ok. :)

daaannce chicky. said...

um actually, the regular flu can kill you more! so they're blowing all of this non sense way out of proportion! the only problem with the swine flu is how fast and rapidly it's spreading and all. but really. the common flu has a more chance of killing you, so yeah.

NaPapa said...

Plan for the worse i guess. Make sure you wear a protective mask around him, or safer just leave the guy in the hands of the doctors. Cause you dont want to get it.

regina_l said...

You can die from it without no vertices or no medicine and cure for it. which they yet not have made in the U.S. Be careful. It comes from the animal "Pig" and can be contagious. Stay home.

traz said...

Stay away from him/her. and start looking for a good cheap florist. Just in case. Maybe call to see if your in the will. Or at least call for dibs on the record collection.

April said...

Facts about the Swine Flu…

Jasmine said...


Kkkkk said...

We don't need to panic right now if it gets worst we need to panic. So not severe right now.

Akstar said...

if one person has it in there neighborhood, a whole group of people can catch it. It's dangerous enough to kill you

Marycrus O said...

if you have the swine flu there is no hope for you. sorry for your friend.

jeff35sd said...

very bad in mexico

bomberb0 said...

its blown waaay outa proportion

peque said...

it can kill you

Littlesh said...

Ask your friend.

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