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I just got a brochure at school today about how in 3 months there will be a long wave of of it and we'll be without vaccine for 6 months after it begins. Supposedly will be as bad as in 1918. There'll be school closures and an order to stay home for certain time. Need to be stocked up on supplies for AT LEAST 2 weeks. It's scary!


essentia said...

"THEY" have been saying so for about five years been living under a rock? Seriously tho, there are currently five strains of virus that the world health organization is watching closely, (the bird flu being the formost), for signs of mutation into a virus against which we currently have NO vaccines, and no natural immunity. If such a mutation occurs, there will indeed be a pandemic to make 1918 look like a local case of the cold. It is pointless to live in fear, but in makes great sense to be as prepared as you are able to be. Keeping a stock of canned foods, and bottled water, first aid supplies and batteries to get you through a failure of the infratstructure is simply good common sense, not just for disasters like pandemic, but for things like storms and earthquakes too. Be prepared..not a bad idea.

Adam said...

its all just precaution. no way to know if or when its coming until it does. or how bad it will be. its just something else to worry about. its ok to be prepared, but don't get too worked up over it

Herb & Edna said...

Interesting. I just saw my doctor last week. He reminded me to take a flu shot this fall.

LittleLu said...

There is no "IF" it comes, history shows that it IS coming, we just don't know when quite yet.

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