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I just hear almost everywhere I go "Swine flu! 100 people dead in mexico! Several infected in US!" I mean, I know it could possibly become a worldwide plague, but it's not that likely. But I would just like to know, what do you think about this whole swine flu 'epidemic'? Do you think it'll actually become a plague, or are people making a big deal about it?


ozboz48 said...

I think the panic is worse than the flu.
Approximately 36,000 Americans die from the seasonal flu each year. We don't hear about that because it's a given.
All the best.

twentythree :] said...

well yeah i think its a little overrated. cause do you remember a couple of years ago, with the mad-cow disease. everyone was freaking out and not eating cows, but it wasn't really as bad as it seemed. people just enjoy worrying. i mean sure it's a little scary, but if people would actually think the way you are, they might realized that although you should [always] be sanitary, it's not really as major as they think. i don't really think it will become a world-wide plague, but i guess it is possible.

Heidi Lynn said...

poeople are sooooooo overreacting. hundreds of people die from the flu every year. remember the bird flu? yeah... people thought the same thing about that. this has happened before. and people have only died in mexico because their medicine and such is not as advanced as the US. people have gotten it in the US. it's the FLU! only one person has died, a little boy in texas, but he had traveled there from mexico. there's no need to worry.

Robby said...

A member of the World Health Organisation (WHO) has dismissed claims that more than 150 people have died from swine flu, saying it has officially recorded only seven deaths around the world.
i really think people are taking this whole thing way to far!
1 death in the whole U.S. and 90 cases out of 300,000,000 people
and 8 dead in mexico 91 cases,19 in canada 0 deaths and 35 everywhere else in the world and 7 deaths

Dj Dangahh!! said...

Though it may not seem threatening at all right now, people are just worring because we don't know where this new flu might lead. No one knows whether this will just die down in a few weeks or this will become a pandemic sort of thing. So I think everyone is just expecting the worse and getting prepared because no one knows what will happen yet.

awdavid6 said...

Yes its extremely overrated. The fatality rate is about 4 percent, and all of the people who have died have poor healthcare. Don't worry 'bout it.

Ciera said...

I dont know but I feel hella sick...........

Samarra from the well said...

no i dont because it is a deadly disease! a baby just died!

hongkong said...

first time looking at american media? You will see more of that here

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