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lol cute, did your daddy tell you that gays were bad?



I get what your saying. They did infect many innocent people, look at the ones that went on to get married just so no one would suspect, all the while putting their wife's life in danger.
But that might not be a good idea, you wouldn't want to take a chance of infecting someone else.

my2cents said...

Come on. Swine flu is airborne. HIV/AIDS is not airborne. I hope, since I have represented many people with it. I'm more afraid of the people I've represented with MRSA.

ruth said...

sure, but you have to be pushing a liberal agenda at the time and trying to force people to accept you, even if it's aginst your will.

R, P, then B said...

Not funny but If you got swine flu it would be impossible to keep it a secret as you would be deathly ill and begging for help Troll

Wes said...

well i dont want you or anyone to get it but if you really want it i hope you keep it to yourself


I would hope you wouldn't

brutal said...

No, you actions will tell on you.

Sugar said...

wow, sit'n'spin

vangoexp said...

aids isn't airbourne... the siwne flu is

Paul said...

I wont tell if you don't tell.

Ed J said...

i think so

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